As the cartoon opens, we see a girl named Nancy scolding Tom, who is hiding under some furniture. She is around eight years old (we only see her shoes clad in white socks and Mary Jane black shoes, her pudgy legs and yellow skirt). Nancy is role-playing as a mother, and she has Tom, apparently her family's pet this time, dressed up as her baby with a bonnet, booties, mittens, and a diaper. She drags Tom out by his tail and threatens to spank him with a hairbrush. Tom is resentful over his treatment and feels humiliated. She carries him to his little bassinet, tucks him in, and shoves a bottle of milk in his mouth. She then warns Tom to stay in bed while she (as a part of her role-playing) goes downtown to buy a new girdle or else she will spank him again. Tom gets a good taste of milk and begins to enjoy it. He decides to live up the baby lifestyle. He even resorts to making baby noises while enjoying his milk.
☆ Memenangkan Academy Awards
untuk kategori Film Animasi Pendek Terbaik
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